Stock Audits
What is a Stock Audit
A Stock Audit is a way to ensure all stock movements are being recorded correctly and all stock u...
Starting a Stock Audit
To start a Stock Audit, navigate to the Stock Audits tab on the left-hand side of the Home Screen...
Creating Countsheets
To create a countsheet, go to the relevant Stock Audit, and select the link on the right-hand sid...
Importing Completed Countsheets
Once the count has been completed and all counts are totaled on the Excel file, navigate back to ...
Reviewing the Completed Stock Audit
When the count has been input, you can click on the ‘View Stock’ Icon (represented by an eye). Th...
Audit Result
When you have confirmed all of the counts are correct, you are able to click on the Audit Result ...
Product Result
From the product result tab, you can see the information for each product. The headings break dow...
When reviewing the result of the Stock Take, click on the reports tab in the top-right corner. ...
Deleting a Stock Audit
To delete and Audit, click on the bin at the top of the page. This will then prompt a pop up c...
Completing a Food Audit
To complete a food Audit, you set it up in the same way as the liquor audit, however ensure that ...